YMCA Youth Transitions Program (YTP) is a free service focused on providing support to youth aged 13–19 who are facing barriers in their lives. These barriers could be related to school, employment, peers, family, housing or addictions. This program is offered in-person in the Edmonton region, in Grande Prairie through the Grande Prairie Public School Division and virtually throughout Alberta.

Accessing our services

Participants are paired with a youth support worker and must complete a referral form to help identify where the participant needs support. Referrals to YMCA Youth Transitions Program can be made by anyone, including the client themselves!

Once completed, youth can utilize one-to-one support and/or participate in the​ other program offerings. Often, we find transportation for participants to be a barrier, so our youth support workers are flexible and able to meet youth where they are.

Complete A Referral Form

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SKY High 

SKY High is a free, highly-engaging YTP program for youth aged 13-19 aimed at fostering resiliency, leadership and community connection in Edmonton. During summer, SKY High takes place Monday through Friday, 9am–3:30pm during and features an outdoor adventure (two nights camping). SKY High is hosted by youth support workers from YMCA Youth Transitions Program and offers workshops, presentations and fun, challenging activities.

Transportation support (bus tickets) is available upon request.

SKY High Sessions for 2024:

First Session: July 22–26 at Boyle Street Plaza

Second Session: July 29–30 at Boyle Street Plaza & July 31–August 2 at Wabamun Lake

Please note: Participants must complete an application and interview process to be accepted to the July 29–August 2 SKY High session. A youth support worker will contact you after you have completed a referral form and expressed interest in attending SKY High.

Complete a Referral

Explore our services

One-on-One Support

To access YMCA Youth Transitions Program (YTP) services, participants meet with a youth support worker and are asked to complete an intake form that goes beyond the demographic information the program collects.

YTP challenges youth to think about the decisions they make, consider and plan for their future, and to engage in exciting programming opportunities. Youth support workers work with youth one-to-one to set and accomplish goals that will help them succeed.

Youth support workers are able to provide youth with community referrals, informal counselling, education and recreation opportunities, advocacy services, job search assistance, addictions and life skill workshops, and everything related to the transition into different stages of life.

Complete A Referral Form

Workshops & Seminars

YMCA Youth Transitions Program (YTP) focuses on a wide range of topics that are presented through registered workshops or individualized workshops. Workshops and seminars are also a large part of the program as new and emerging trends arise amongst our city’s adolescent community. As active learners, youth support workers can offer individualized programming through this pillar of YTP. All workshops and seminars are facilitated by youth support workers.

Complete a Referral

How to Adult

How to Adult is designed to educate and prepare participants for the transitional phase of moving from adolescence into adulthood. This workshop can be presented individually or in a group setting through in-school presentations or weekly groups in various locations in or outside the city.

Topics discussed include healthy relationships, post-secondary planning, financial management, communication skills, and more! Community agencies or schools may request to have this program offered at their location or at a designated YMCA space. Groups must have a minimum of 5 participants to run. A certificate is administered upon request once participants complete all teachings within the 10–12-week period. 

Anger Management 

Anger Management focuses on youth with anger management issues in need of strategic personality management. This workshop can be run individually as well as in groups over a four-to-eight-week period. Groups must have a minimum of 5 participants to run. Youth are usually referred by: 

  • Other agencies 
  • Youth Justice (Justice System) 
  • Schools 

Youth who complete the anger management program can receive a certificate.

Rainbows Spectrums

Rainbows Spectrums focuses on grief and loss in a youth's life, which allows us to meet the needs of youth experiencing any form of this emotion. Rainbows Spectrums utilizes the Five Stages of Grief and brings participants through the process in a reflective activity-based approach. This workshop needs a minimum of 5 participants to run.

Additional Workshops

The workshops above are just some of the many workshops our team can facilitate. If you'd like to learn more about another workshop, email us!

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For general information or referrals about any aspect of our program, or if you'd like to learn more about all our workshops, you can email us!

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